A harmonious blend of ‘bare & beautiful’, Naillington.

The design brief was to create a warm and sanctuary-like space that delivered a casual luxury and set the brand apart from the typical run-up of manicure and pedicure bays.

“ We worked closely with Tailor Inc. to fully capture our vision for the interior of Naillington. Delicately designed and put together to bring forth a warm and sanctuary-like space.”

Jimmy Phan

With the use of warm light timbers, bespoke joinery flooring, feature walls and a personalized palette.

Our design team have created an environment that is ‘bare and beautiful’ - aimed to harmonize, accentuate and warm the environment seamlessly.

Visit our blog post for an in-depth dive into our design process!

Benefits for the Client:

  • Interior design and overall branding curated in tandem to present as a cohesive brand statement.

  • Successfully completed during the restrictive and challenging lockdown periods.

  • A beautiful calming space provided for customers amongst Wellingtons busy CBD environment.

  • Customer flow, interaction and privacy are carefully considered and integrated.

Want to see more?

We have a wide range of projects showcasing our expertise.